Curabitur maximus nunc libero, at euismod elit congue ut. Phasellus tempus varius urna, vel tempor ipsum malesuada vitae. Suspendisse fringilla dictum diam, quis consequat ante efficitur vitae. Nunc volutpat odio non ligula condimentum, in condimentum odio congue. Nullam luctus urna sed consequat rhoncus. Sed in sem at ante consectetur egestas. Mauris commodo mattis lorem, lobortis interdum leo pulvinar ac. Nam sed sapien condimentum, rhoncus lectus nec, placerat arcu. Duis pharetra ante id tortor luctus, egestas commodo velit fringilla. Suspendisse blandit nisi nec pharetra suscipit. Vivamus condimentum, massa non mattis imperdiet, nunc neque euismod orci, pretium porta arcu risus vel quam. Aenean cursus dignissim elementum. Aliquam sit amet est scelerisque, vehicula odio pretium, scelerisque velit. Pellentesque id dignissim felis. Ut sit amet sagittis odio. Maecenas mollis mi nec nibh consectetur pulvinar. Donec feugiat massa augue, eget pharetra orci porttitor ultricies. Donec sit amet ante ex. Nunc dignissim tellus nunc, vel auctor metus rutrum id. Etiam tincidunt blandit sem sit amet elementum.
Curabitur maximus nunc libero, at euismod elit congue ut.
No one was prepared for what the COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon the world. Social isolation has pushed some companies out of business, forcing others to reorganize the way they work in order to stay afloat.
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Among others, they had to shift their supplier strategies due to social distancing, introduce new and reposition their current products so that they correlated with the new, lockdown lifestyle, and introduce new, contactless delivery methods.
In the following article, we’re going to discuss how 10 retailers, including IKEA, Woolworths, and Best Buy, pivoted their business model to operate effectively in this new reality brought by the pandemic outbreak. If your business has also been impacted by COVID-19, you’ll find tried-and-tested strategies and solutions that will help you adjust to this difficult new reality.
- Shift their supplier strategies due to social distancing, introduce new and reposition their current products
- Where Ever Home is –Is where we will be able to provide Service
- If your business has also been impacted by COVID-19, you’ll find tried-and-tested strategies and solutions